Shailin Dhar is a Media, Technology, and Telecommunications Expert based in New York.

Shailin Dhar is based in New York City and was the founding partner of Method Media Intelligence (MMI) and inventor of hardware/device based bot detection to identify the increasingly prevalent artificial browser and mobile agents crawling the web.

He is a media, web , and ad technology expert who is focused on creating solutions for data integrity across the technology, media, and telecommunications sector. As a partner at FIT Holdings, Shailin spends his time across three primary efforts: Education/Research, Data Solutions, and Capital Strategies.

FIT Holdings operates its three pillars with these principles of understanding the digital landscape:

  • Interdependency across TMT (Tech, Media, & Telco) investments is growing. The media sector, specifically, is now the driver of connectivity, commerce & capacity demands. Content and media consumption via the internet is dictating the waves of change in technology and telecommunications sectors. TLDR Media Drives Tech/Telecom.

  • The current media sector suffers from unique data fidelity & quality issues, even before we enter a world of AI-scaled, scraped & generated content. Bots have been at least half of internet activity since 2017, and increasing. While web traffic is a commodity for tech and telecom, it is a transactional value measure or currency in the media sector, as it represents human action and potential attention. TDLR Non-human web traffic hurts Media data value but not Tech or Telecom.

  • There are massive ongoing value creation and disruption opportunities in the TMT sector as a result. Investments have to recognize the underlying data issues and the types of approaches now required. As the prevalence of non-human traffic and headless agents in virtual machines, grew along the rise of enterprise cloud computing, few investors in the private or public markets discerned about the validity of web traffic seen by their portfolio companies across the TMT sector. While cyber security tactics have worked at the microscale, there are far too many unguarded doors across the internet and few incentives to turn away perceived visitors. Anti-counterfeit tactics must be employed at the macroscale in the Media sector to ensure market integrity in the future. TLDR Too many bots on the internet now, the monetization systems of web traffic need to change to anti-counterfeit approaches.



(646) 258-1172